Health Benefits of Honey

Health Benefits of Honey

 what do your parents and honey have in common they are both looking out for you. honey has been around for centuries. people have been using honey for ages as a sweetener and also a natural medicine. is honey just a sweet liquid or does it have some benefits as well. 

we discuss eight amazing benefits that honey has that you probably didn't know about no wonder you call her honey too.

Health Benefits of Honey

here are the eight benefits of this miraculous sweet liquid. number five will surely be a shocker for you.

No 1. helps in weight loss

how could sweet stuff help in weight loss ? i was shocked to learn this too being a sugar person myself i had given up on losing that extra pound around my belly. i even hated going to dieticians who start their conversation with get rid of sugar.

now i can satisfy my sweet tooth as well as keep myself fit and lean. unlike sugar honey also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. honey has been shown to induce the liver to produce glucose. this glucose keeps the brain happy with the sugar and so the brain keeps us happy by producing fat burning hormones in exchange, fair business aren’t it.

honey also helps to suppress the appetite which helps us to not consume extra calories. you can include honey into your diet by just taking two table spoons of honey a day. taking honey before going to sleep is especially beneficial as it induces your body to burn fat as you sleep or you could try adding honey in warm water with a little bit of lemon or cinnamon. The honey not only energize you, but will also help you detox your body.

Health Benefits of Honey

No 2. decrease bad cholesterol

we know the fat gets deposited over our muscles and makes us look funny but did you know the fat actually travels throughout our bodies and blood. this fat is known as cholesterol and is essential for the normal working of the body.

this cholesterol is needed by the cell membranes to form protective layers. this means that cholesterol is the good guy then why is everyone so worried about their cholesterol. it turns out there are actually two types of cholesterol low density lipoprotein and bad cholesterol and high density lipoprotein or good cholesterol.

 Bad cholesterol if in higher quantities sticks to the walls of the arteries causing blockages. so, bad cholesterol be kept in check and should not increase over a certain limit. that's where our sweet honey comes to our rescue. studies show the daily intake of honey has a beneficial effect on antioxidants that lower bad cholesterol in the blood. also propolis is a compound found in raw honey. it is also linked with the improvement of cholesterol levels.

No. 3 stronger heart

the modern world has increased our convenience cars take us to our destinations in very little time. mobile phones connect us to the entire world. automation has speed the manufacturing world. but it has also made our hearts weak. heart attack is also most causes of death. it is partly due to lack of activity but also partly due to bad food choices. 

 for our weak hearted world, honey might just be the elixir that we're waiting for. among its other benefits honey can also improve the overall function of the heart through a combined effect of a number of benefits including lowering of BP, improvement of blood fat levels and heartbeat regulation to back this up.

a study that was conducted to see the correlation of honey with BP. 4500 people over the age of 40 participated in the study. the results revealed that a moderate intake of honey is linked with a lower risk of higher BP.

Health Benefits of Honey

another study done on rats reveals that honey can also protect the heart against oxidative stress. there you go however it is worth mentioning it here. that there is a need for more research that could link honey directly with heart health. may be you should take this job up.

No 4. better memory

honey can improve our brain function which can have a beneficial effect on our memory. pinocymbrine is anantioxidant found within honey. It improves the function of the brain and has many neuro protective effects. studies have found that this pinocymbrine can enhance cognition also by protecting brain cell structure. not only that but honey can also lower the chances of dementia. so if you have an exam tomorrow how about trying some honey.

No 5. better sleep

the night is such a peaceful time. there is silence in the air and everyone is sleeping to replenish their energies except the owl and me. i always had trouble going to sleep staring at the walls and sealing until i found out about this amazing benefit of honey.

a spoonful of honey and hot milk before going to bed and you'll be fast to sleep before you know it. the theory behind this is that the sugars and honey make your body release insulin. insulin makes your brain release a chemical called serotonin.

serotonin is called the happy hormone that improves our mood. another chemical called melatonin is also released which helps us to sleep better. people who cannot sleep without a pill or two should definitely try this remedy. if it works great. if it doesn't, you can have a sweet treat before you go to sleep. what's there to lose.

No 6. heals burns and wounds.

from ancient times honey has been a treasured possession not only due to its mouth-watering sweetness. but also due to its amazing healing properties. ancient records have found the use of honey as a healing agent for burns and wounds.

science has only now found the wisdom behind this. a 2017 study reveals that the defense in one protein in honey helps in the healing of wounds. one study reveals that 43.3 success rate of honey has a treatment of wounds in people with diabetes induced foot ulcers and another found a 97 success rate.

 furthermore a special type of honey called manuka honey has been found to be especially effective for the treatment of burns. there has got to be some fire for this much smoke.

No. 7 flawless skin

here comes my favorite one facing acne issues try applying some money with so many amazing benefits when consumed. honey has some great benefits for the outside of us too. due to his antibacterial properties honey is very effective against acne and other skin conditions like eczema. also honey can speed up the healing process of skin cells.

if you have some kind of inflammation honey will again be there for your rescue. want to know more honey is also a great natural exfoliator. apply a little bit of honey to your face and see the magic. a little warning though if you are allergic to pollen or bee related products apply honey on your face at your own risk. I'm kidding don't apply honey or it won't turn out pretty.

No. 8 anti bacterial effects

in the last benefit of honey about skin we said something about honey's antibacterial properties guess what that on its own deserves to be mentioned separately. let's look at why honey has amazing antibacterial properties. Honey is what is called a super saturated solution.

 science nerds should know what I'm talking about but for the others like me let me explain. there are basically three types of solutions saturated, unsaturated and super saturated. the saturated solution of sugar has maximum.

sugar that can be completely dissolved in a glass of water without crystallization. an unsaturated solution can dissolve more sugar if needed and the super saturated solution has more sugar than the saturated solution. that just means a lot of sugar and little water. so the water content of honey is low.

Health Benefits of Honey

 even lower than the bacteria. so the honey sucks the water out of bacteria through a process called osmosis. you know what follows cells bursting, water escaping in short bacteria dies. that's one of the reasons why honey has such good antibacterial properties.

one of the reasons there are more glucose and honey is converted to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide through an enzyme called glucose oxidase. gluconic acid gives honey its acidic nature where bacteria cannot flourish and hydrogen peroxide destroys the cells of bacteria.

 you could say that honey is the natural enemy of bacteria due to these amazing antibacterial properties. honey is used for treating infections and also as a food preservative. honey is the most underrated item in our fridges. most of us have it in our homes but don't take advantage of its amazing benefits.

we instead consume bad sugars through processed foods which only add to our fat reserves that sugar is one of the main reasons why we are surrounded by so many scary diseases. for the people who are sick of these diseases and problems. it is time to replace white sugar with honey because you too have a right to a healthy life.
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