Tips to Stop Emotional Eating

Stop Emotional Eating

if food has become your go-to drug to escape from reality and you don't know how to stop this destructive behavior o emotional eating then you might want to listen to what we have to say. in this article we're going to give you seven simple tips to say goodbye to emotional eating once and for all.

but before we do that let's clear some misconceptions about emotional eating first. emotional eating is the behaviour of reaching out to food to soothe negative feelings and emotions like guilt, anger, resentment, stress, worry, anxiety, disappointment etc. the main reason behind this behaviour is the same as for any other addiction.

Emotional Eating

Dopamine is the feel good hormone. when we eat good tasting food especially sugars dopamine is released which is associated with a temporary good feeling, negative emotions trigger bad feeling and who wants to remain in a bad mood.

some turn to drugs, others to alcohol and many turn to food. this is a bad habit and it can only ruin our health. but lead to even more misery down the road as not only do the negative feelings return after a short while they intensify.

so emotional eating is bad and it's not a permanent solution to the problem. most people realize this and yet they can't stop. the power of addiction is that strong. you need to first internalize this belief that you are stronger than these cravings and you can get over anything that life throws at you that being said.

let's look at seven tips that can help you out on this journey of getting rid of emotional eating for good

No 1. nip the evil in the bud

first things first, honestly evaluate your current situation. first identify whether you actually have an emotional eating problem or you just eat too much too often. emotional eating as we said is the unhealthful habit of eating to overcome some bad feeling or emotion.

Emotional Eating

if you can link your bad eating habits with some kind of emotion then you do have an emotional eating problem. next identify the emotions that are your triggers for reaching out for food. it might be stress as stress releases a hormone called cortisol.

that can trigger cravings for salty sweet and fried foods or may be you don't like to feel sad, depressed or ashamed and you go towards food for temporary relief from these feelings. another common reason for emotional eating is boredom.

since you have nothing else to do. well, why not have a scoop of ice cream right! most of the time one of these reasons triggers our emotional eating habits. so instead of procrastinating on fixing the root causes of emotional eating by going to food try to deal with it because these feelings will still be there when the effects of sugars and dopamine fade away then guess what you'll do next look for some more food.

No 2. stop being so impulsive.

feeling sad again? now what guess i'm gonna order some burgers for McDonald’s like i usually do. even though i just had a full meal. Stop! it doesn't have to be this way. most emotional eaters have given up on themselves because they have tried to give it up.

but they couldn't this bad experience turns into a lack of self-confidence and feeling powerless over the cravings. this is so wrong because we are always in control. 

there are two brains inside of us one is the animal brain, the one that's responsible for these cravings, and the other is the conscious brain that decides whether to act on the feelings or not! most often, the habit of emotional eating is so ingrained in us that we don't even let our conscious brains think about it and bon appetite - before our conscious brain scan have a say in the matter.

Emotional Eating


an effective strategy of dealing with this is to just pause. pause before impulsively eating for just five minutes.

you can have the ice cream after five minutes. when you succeed in winning five important minutes from your drooling animal brain utilize these five minutes to think.  think about why you want to eat this so badly. what impact would this have on your health will the negative emotions still be there after you've indulged.  

what would your feelings be after this when you've thought about this for a good five minutes. chances are you won't be needing the ice cream any longer.

No 3. have some alternatives lined up.

another effective strategy for dealing with emotional eating is to have some alternatives lined up. that can replace your bad eating habits. when you are hit with the trigger in life you're bound to have some setbacks. experience things that you don't like and face stress from the office or studies.

these feelings are normal but the way you deal with these emotions could be well or not well. emotional eating is the unhealth way of trying to deal with these emotions and it only works for a few minutes. the best way is to deal with the situation head-on and practice some of the healthful ways of toning down the bad feelings or stress.

which could include walking, jogging, sports, reading a book, watching a movie without popcorn of course or maybe visiting a friend. a good practice will be to write out the emotions that are the common triggers of your emotional  eating habits and then associate some healthful activity to replace emotional eating. make sure to paste the page right where it is visible to you.

No 4. remove the temptations

since you have read up till this point I’m guessing that you've made up your mind that you won't indulge in emotional eating anymore that's great. but what is that bag of cheetos and bottle of cola doing in your room. you might say that you'll get rid of them later or you're strong enough to keep yourself from indulging.

Emotional Eating

you're not fooling anyone here those bags would be gone in a few days not in the trash or back to the store. but in your stomach instead. if you made a firm decision of stopping emotional eating then you need to remove any and every temptation from your room that might make you remember the good old days.

the things that we do over and over our brain makes neural connections around them and one thing could lead to the execution of the whole process before you know it. so to change these connections you need to change your environment.

No 5. learn from your mistakes

so you slipped up and emotionally binged on extra large pizzas. so what! stop the drama already and no you're not worthless it is human nature to make mistakes. we learn by making mistakes I’m not going to quote Edison here because you may have heard it a million times already. the real problem is that we have forgotten who we are a child would just laugh off a minor fall.

but an adult well he has to maintain his image. so he won't even go there if there's even a slight chance that he might slip and if he does slip, the embarrassment how could he ever show his face around there again that's the sad reality of our world today. you don't punish your child for falling. when he first starts to walk do you we learn by making mistakes.

Emotional Eating

it's just who we are so instead of weeping over your past failures and thinking that you're worthless, move on. What you can  do? However, learn from it. identify your weaknesses, the reasons that led to emotional eating by identifying the root cause you're less likely to slip the next time and even if you do slip well try and try again.

No 6. don't try to become a Buddhist monk

we mentioned in the last point the slipping is part of the process but another thing that might be triggering you to slip is being too strict about it. we mentioned in another  article that the Atkins plan is great.

but is often not practical due to a strictness. as we were saying if you try to impose too many restrictions on yourself then you're more likely to fail. give yourself some breathing room eating a little more than you normally do doesn't count as an emotional eating onslaught.

Emotional Eating

Similarly don't label every food item out there as good food or bad food. just try to maintain a balance and enjoy everything in moderation. this way you won't feel like you're missing out on anything or you're being punished the life of a Buddhist monk is not that easy.

No 7. eating should be fun

 when was the last time you truly engaged with your food  i don't mean the time of your last meal. but the time when you truly enjoyed every bite that you took. all the flavors that the food left you with due to our busy lives often we're in a rush when eating. 

rushing to catch the bus rushing to reach the office on time, rushing to make the meeting and all the other times we're just grazing aimlessly on food. while watching tv most of the time emotional eating is mindless and without any focus on the food rather than just trying to swallow everything whole.

Emotional Eating

make it a habit to eat consciously without any distractions and just by doing that there are chances that you'll be able to identify whether you need to eat or you are just trying to run away from an emotion.

finally to summarize emotional eating is the practice of going to food for comfort from an existential crisis. however it is not the solution rather it is part of the problem not only will emotional eating leave you with more guilt than you started with.

 but it will also damage your self-esteem which can lead to a never-ending cycle of emotional eating. if you realize this and want to quit emotional eating once and for all then the seven tips we mentioned will surely help you out.

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