Best intermittent fasting weight loss
the detailed information about the Best intermittent fasting weight loss is explained here.
- what is intermittent fasting
- why intermittent fasting (benefits)
- how to start a fast?
- how long should I fast?
what is intermittent fasting:
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best intermittent fasting weight loss |
Fasting is when we do not eat anything during a particular period of time during the day. Suppose there is a day, we will split it into two parts. One is a feeding window and the other is a fasting window.
The fasting window means that we do not eat anything, we eat everything in the feeding window. we are allowed to eat everything in this feeding window.
So it is basically intermittent fasting. At some particular time of the day, we do not eat anything and the rest of the window is eaten in it.
This is a meal timing plan, it's not a diet. Diet means some types of restrictions are there. Suppose Atkins diet, it contains only some amount of protein and some amount of carbs.
Suppose In Vegan, they only eat vegan food. No dairy, no meat, no chicken, no eggs. This is the diet plan. It includes certain rules and restrictions.
whereas intermittent fasting means a meal timing plan. Your meal timing plan is can be applied to any diet. Are you vegan? Its fine intermediate fasting can also be applied to it.
We will divide the day into two parts. One is the feeding window and the other is the fasting window, eating whatever we want in the feeding window. Nothing to eat in the fasting window.
why intermittent fasting (advantages):
You may be fine with everything but I will tell you why you do intermittent fasting. when we eat some food, our body is trying to digest the food that we have eaten and is busy with supply the nutrients that come from that food. So what happens if we never eat anything is that our body starts cleaning it up to the cellular level. Waste from every cell in the body Pulls out, Some types of proteins are recycled this is called autophagy.
In this process, we will find that aging will be slower, cancer and similar problems will be avoided. there are many wonderful advantages in intermittent fasting.
how to start a fast? :
If we stop eating we will go to Fasting State. Our body can stay in two states, one is the feeding state and the other is the fasting state. Whenever we stop eating, no food goes inside the body and becomes a fasting state.
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best intermittent fasting weight loss |
What types of food we eat before going fasting state has a lot of impact on our fasting. When you are Fasting, you do have that last meal which is high in fiber and fat make sure.
Because fiber fills our stomach, fiber is a type of carbohydrate. What they do is pass through our digestive system and give the stomach fullness. Fibers stretch our stomach stretch receptors and emit some satiety signals i.e. satisfaction signals.
Satisfaction signals are what make us feel stomach full. Having this stomach full means we don’t have trouble when we are in the fasting state. In the Fasting State, we do not seem to be starving.
This is the major thing. Eating fats means that fatty acids are released into our bloodstream. This makes us energetic. We will also be with energy in the Fasting State.
so it is very important to include fiber-rich foods and fats in our eating food. So if you are starting fast then you must eat vegetable salads and whole eggs.
Vegetables contain fiber, so the fibers fill our stomach and feel satisfied. These fiber-rich foods help us prevent immediate hunger. Fatty acids help maintain great energy levels and help to produce acetone bodies.
So these acetone bodies are the fuel for our brain. So our brain works very efficiently on acetone. So that will help, it is also great to have some protein.
how long should I fast?
If you want to try to lose weight, 16 hrs or 16 hrs plus is fine, totally fine. Basically, I will tell you How the food is converting to fat. Suppose any food we eat is converted to glycogen and stored in every cell.
Essentially some glycogen is stored in the muscles and some glycogen is also stored in the liver. If this glycogen is present in the liver then the body converts the overflowing glycogen into fats.
so, overflow excess of glycogen is converted into fats. this is called De novo lipogenesis. So if you are fasting 16 hrs that glycogen will never overflow.
so if you want cellular benefits like anti aging benefits, just decrease the insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity, 18 hrs or 18 hrs plus fasting is Important. because 18 hrs or 18 hrs plus body becomes recycle.
So in this process, we will not be aging fast. So once in a while fasting for 20 hours is very important because of the anti-aging benefits. 24 Hrs can also be fast then there are more cellular benefits, anti-aging benefits.
so after 18 hrs, cellular benefits are exponentially increased. So if you are trying to stay at a balanced weight or a fixed weight, it is fine to do intermittent fasting for 3 days or 4 days a week.
but if you want to anti-aging you should be must for 18 hrs fasting is important.
Best intermittent fasting
Best intermittent fasting weight loss
intermittent fasting
weight loss